3230 College St- CS2
Fenced, paved drives, Access 8am-8pm
Standard units
6x10 $68.00
6x12 $72.00
5x15 $75.00
10x10 $90.00
10x12 $100.00
10x15 $112.00
9x20 $124.00
10x20 $130.00
15x15 $138.00
10x24 $154.00
15x20 $175.00
20x20 $240.00
22x34 $350.00
20x42 $380.00
Climate Controlled
5x12 $85.00
6x10 $85.00
10x12 $124.00
10x24 $230.00
Within Newberry City limits.
Jurisdiction of City of Newberry Police
199 Riley Road-Heritage Drive
Fenced, Paved drives, Access 8am-8pm
Standard units
5x12 $68.00
6x10 $68.00
6x12 $72.00
10x10 $88.00
10x12 $100.00
10x15 $112.00
10x20 $130.00
10x24 $154.00
14x45 $310.00
Climate Controlled
5x12 $85.00
6x10 $85.00
5x15 $96.00
10x10 $115.00
10x12 $124.00
10x15 $142.00
10x20 $190.00
10x24 $230.00
Within Newberry City limits
Jurisdiction of City of Newberry Police
3296 College ST-CS1
Fenced, Gravel drives, Access 8am-8pm
Standard units
5x12 $46.00
6x10 $46.00
5x15 $58.00
10x10 $65.00
10x12 $68.00
10x15 $78.00
10x20 $88.00
10x30 $116.00
12x30 $162.00
22x30 $232.00
Not within Newberry City limits
Jursidiction of Newberry County Sheriff Department
2061 Bear Village Ct- BV
No fencing, gravel drive, 24 hour access
Standard units
5x15 $58.00
10x15 $78.00
Within Newberry City limits
Jurisdiction of City of Newberry Police